Develop a system that can add a torrent on the website, after completing the download it will automatically upload the file to my google drive while showing the upload log to the website so that I can see the procedure of uploading.

  • install Qbittorrent command-line version
  • Setup after-download-script
  • Show real-time log on the website
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rclone is a tool to enable you to sync files on the command line with several online storage platforms.

  • install rclone
  • Bind with google account
  • Upload files to the drive
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  • Generate ssh file
  • upload it to the server
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  1. The Basic Assumptions (5 points)
  2. Weighted Neighbors (15 points)
  3. The Impact of Dependence (20 points)
  4. Sleep Well (30 points)
  5. Thanks for the Fish (15 points)
  6. Clustering (15 points)
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