
  • 部分笔记
  • 部分题型总结

ACS 笔记

Part1-3 (lectures 1-2)


Introduce fundamental abstractions like memory, interpreters, and communication links.


Memory, sometimes called storage, is the system component that remembers data values for use in computation.

Durability: A property of a storage medium: the length of time it remembers.

Stability: A property of an object: it is unchanging.

Persistence: A property of an active agent: it keeps trying.


  • Write(name,value)
  • Value <- Read(name)

read/write coherence: the result of the read of a named cell is always the same as the most recent write to that cell.

Before-or-after atomicity: the result of every read or write is as if that read or write occurred either completely before or completely after any other read or write.

Chapter 2

  • Recognize and explain modular designs with clients and services.
  • Predict the functioning of service calls under different RPC semantics and failure modes.
  • Identify different mechanisms to achieve RPCs.
  • Implement RPC services with an appropriate mechanism, such as web services.


using stub to make remote procedure calls behave the same as an ordinary procedure call.

Difference between ordinary procedure call:

  1. RPCs can reduce fate sharing between the caller and callee by exposing the failures of the callee to the caller so that the caller can recover.
  2. RPCs introduce a new failure mode
  3. calling a local procedure takes typically much less time than calling a remote procedure call.
  4. some programming language features don’t combine well with RPC.

RPC strategies:

In order to handle no-response case.


If the client stub doesn’t receive a response within some specific time, the stub resends the request as many times as necessary until it receives a response from the service.


If the client stub doesn’t receive a response within some specific time, then the client stub returns an error to the caller, indicating that the service may or may not have processed the request.

Implementing at-most-once RPC is harder than it sounds because the underlying network may duplicate the request message without the client stub’s knowledge.


These semantics are the ideal, but because the client and service are independent it is in principle impossible to guarantee.

by adding the complexity of extra message exchanges and careful recordkeeping, one can approach exactly-once semantics closely enough to satisfy some applications.

Communicating through an Intermediary

e.g. mail service

Chapter 3

  • Explain performance metrics such as latency, throughput, overhead, utilization, capacity, and scalability.
  • List common hardware parameters that affect performance.
  • Apply performance improvement techniques, such as concurrency, batching, dallying, and fast-path coding.

Bottleneck source

  1. Physical reasons may cause bottleneck
  2. several clients may share a device

Performance Metrics

Capacy : service's size or amount of resources.

Utilization(利用率): percentage of capacity of a resource that is used for some given workload of requests.

Overhead(开销) : what the layers below current layer do

Useful work : what the layers above it do


Latency : the delay between a change at the input to a system and the corresponding change at its output.(输入和输出的时延)

Have a pipeline model in mind to think about latency.

Throughput(吞吐量) : a measure of the rate of useful work done by a service for some given workload of requests.

Throughput = 1/latency

假如管道有两部分,第一部分每秒1000k,第二部分每秒100k,总吞吐量小于等于100k,也就是t(a+b) <= min(t(a),t(b))


Apply performance improvement techniques

Fast-path coding

splitting the staged pipeline into a fast path for the frequent requests and a slow path for other requests

  • One optimized path for common requests -> fast path
  • One slow but comprehensive path for all other requests -> slow path
  • Caching is an example

It can lead to the optimization for the common case.


this plan can, in principle, speed up the processing by a factor n

In practice, the speedup is usually less than n because there is overhead in parallelizing a computation—the subtasks need to communicate with each other,


  • many applications are difficult to parallelize. Applications such as search have exploitable parallelism, but other computations don’t split easily into n mostly independent pieces.
  • developing parallel applications is difficult because the programmer must manage the concurrency and coordinate the activities of the different subtasks.

Traditionally: rely on continuous technology improvements to reduce application latency.

This development means that improving performance by using concurrency will inevitably increase in importance.


Run multiple requests at once.

May improve latency and throughput


Wait until you accumulate some requests and then run them.

May improve throughput when used together with batching, but typically incurs a latency penalty

Part4(lecture 3-4) Concurrency Control

  • Identify the multiple interpretations of the property of atomicity.
  • Implement methods to ensure before-or-after atomicity, and argue for their correctness.
  • Explain the variants of the two-phase locking (2PL) protocol, in particular the widely-used Strict 2PL.
  • Discuss definitions of serializability and their implications, in particular conflict-serializability and view-serializability.
  • Apply the conflict-serializability test using a precedence graph to transaction schedules.
  • Explain deadlock prevention and detection techniques.
  • Apply deadlock detection using a waits-for graph to transaction schedules.
  • Explain situations where predicate locking is required.
  • Explain the optimistic concurrency control and multi-version concurrency control models.
  • Predict validation decisions under optimistic concurrency control.

transaction: any one execution of a user program in a DBMS

Schedule: a list of actions (reading, writing, aborting, or committing) from a set of transactions

serializable schedule: effect on any consistent database instance is guaranteed to be identical to that of some complete serial schedule over S.


  1. atomic: Either all actions are carried out or none are.
  2. consistency: Each transaction, run by itself with no concurrent execution of other transactions, must preserve the consistency of the database.
  3. isolation: Users should be able to understand a transaction without considering the effect of other concurrently executing transactions, even if the DBJVIS interleaves the actions of transactions for performance reasons.
  4. durability: Once the DBMS informs the user that a transaction been successfully completed, its effects should persist even if the system crashes before all its changes are reflected on disk.


WR Conflicts

a transaction T2 could read a database object A that has been modified by another transaction Tl, which has not yet committed.

Such a read is called a dirty read.

RW Conflicts

T2 could change the value of an object A that has been read by a transaction Tl, while Tl is still in progress.

WW Conflicts

a transaction T2 could overwrite the value of an object A, which has already been modified by a transaction Tl,while Tl is still in progress.

Lock-Based Concurrency Control

A locking protocol is a set rules to be followed by each transaction (and enforced by the DBMS) to ensure that, even though actions of several transactions might be interleaved, net effect is identical to all transactions in some serial order.



  1. If a transaction T wants to read modify) an object, it first a shared (respectively, exclusive) lock on the object.
  2. All locks held by a transaction are released when the transaction is completed .

May cause deadlock

Performance may be caused by blocking and aborting

the overhead locking comes primarily from delays due to blocking.

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  • By locking the smallest sized objects possible (reducing the likelihood that two transactions need the same lock).
  • By reducing tiIne that transaction hold locks (so that other transactions are blocked for a shorter time).
  • By reducing hot spots. A hot spot is a database object that is frequently accessed and modified, and causes a lot of blocking delays. Hot spots can significantly affect perfonnance.

Stealing and Forcing Pages

Steal : Can the changes made to an object 0 in the buffer pool by a transaction T be written to disk before T commits? Such writes are executed when another transaction wants to bring in a page and the buffer nlanager chooses to replace the frame containing 0; of course, this page must have been unpinned by T. If such writes are allowed, we say that a steal approach is used. (Informally, the second transaction 'steals' a frame from T.)

Force: When a transaction commits, must we ensure that all the changes it has made to objects in the buffer pool are immediately forced to disk? If so, we say that: a force approach is used.

If a no-steal approach is used, we do not have to undo the changes of an aborted transaction (because these changes have not been written to disk)

if a force approach is used, we do not have to redo the changes of a committed transaction if there is a subsequent crash (because all these changes are guaranteed to have been written to disk at commit time).

Concurrency Control

2PL ,serializability, recoverability

conflict equivalent:

if they involve the (same set of) actions of the same transactions and they order every pair of conflicting actions of two committed transactions in the same way.


Conflict action:

Two actions of different transactions are conflicting if they access the same object and one of them is a write

conflict serializable:

it is conflict equivalent to some serial schedule.

precedence graph(serializability graph):
  • 点是committed transaction
  • 边是有confilect 的pair,先发生的指向后发生的,并且与commit无关

relaxes the second rule of Strict 2PL to allow transactions to release locks before the end.


view equivalent
  1. 对同一 data item, 只要是有一个 schedule读了它的初始值,另外一个 schedule 也必须读它的初始值。

  2. 对同一data item,如果在一个 schedule 里,一个操作是读了一个写操作后的值,另一个 schedule 也必须读同样写操作后的值。

  3. 对同一 data item,如果在一个 schedule 里最后进行了写操作,则另一个 schedule 也要在最后进行同样的写操作。


lock manager maintains a structure called a waits-for graph to detect deadlock cycles.

Nodes: active transactions

Arc: from $ T_i $ to \(T_j\) if an only if \(T_i\) is waiting for \(T_j\) to release a lock


Waits-for graph 周期性检查有没有循环,有的话就abort某一个transaction并且释放他的锁。

There is an edge from Ti to Tj if Ti is waiting for Tj to release a lock

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Deadlock Prevention

We can prevent deadlocks by giving each transaction a priority and ensuring that lower-priority transactions are not allowed to wait higher-priority transactions (or vice versa).反之亦然


Wait-die: If Ti has higher priority, it is allowed to wait; otherwise, it is aborted.

Wound-wait: If Ti has higher priority, abort Tj; otherwise, Ti waits.


Deadlock Detection


Optimistic Concurrency Control




Transaction Table 包含所有active action,有transaction id, status, lastLSN

Dirty page Table 包含buffer pool的 page, 有recLSN(第一个让这个page进入的记录)和pageID

遇到end再删transaction table中的记录

winner and loser transaction: winner是commit过的transaction,loser是没能commit的,they were still active while the crash occured.

Redo starts at the smallest recLSN in the dirty page,and all logs related to pages in the dirty page need to be redone.

Undo follow redo and ends all loser set transaction. Undo find the lastLSN of transactions in the loser set and undo all its work.

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第一个是表里有pageID且在dirty page table里有的记录需要redo。


Redo从上往下, Undo从下往上。

after log:

  • 先end所有commit的transaction
  • 先abort当前inprogress的transaction
  • 上两个的PREV_LSN都是上一步相关的LSN
  • 然后undo这些transaction的log。第一条CLR的PREV_LSN写abort的LSN,后续PREV_LSN都写上一个CLR的LSN。CLR还有undonextLSN字段,CLR写法:CLR:Undo T1 LSN 9 (undonextLSN 4),CLR的pageID和这条log初始的ID一样,需要写。
  • 然后end这个transaction
  • 顺序与上边update顺序相同



求Vector Clock顺序

从(0,0,0)开始,每当接收到用户发来的更新消息时就当前对应数字+1之后用新数据发消息。假如接收到的数据和当前的有新的也有旧的就需要call an application-specfic merge function to combine both values consistently,不然的话就overwrite value.

画Waits-for graph判断是否有死锁


画precedence graph判断是否能转换成conflict-serializable







presendence graph有环就不能被所有产生


其次只要有要锁的过程就不能产生,先inject S/X lock,然后判断





Optimisic Concurrency Control (Kung-Robinson)

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不为空的话会引起read dirty data

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不为空的话会引起read dirty data 和 overwrite write






View-serializable: 两个schedule看起来效果是一样的,在A中某位置的读在B中会同样读到一样的数据

conflict-serializable: 画图没环


As steal is used, we need to implement undo because if some data being written to the disk because of steal of RAM and there’s a crush, we will need to undo it. As force is used, every update are written into the disk instead of RAM so we don’t need to Redo.